The Asheville - Buncombe Technical Community College Global Institute for Sustainable Technologies is offering it's first classes this spring. They include classes like 'Planning and Building a Green Home' , 'Passive Solar Workshop' and many more. There are so many great classes I just copied and pasted them all below. Come here knowledgeable folks like Ned Ryan Doyle, SEE Expo Coordinator and host of 'Our Southern Community' public affairs radio program on WNCW 88.7 discuss issues related to sustainability in our mountains.
Full class schedule:
Energy: Reality 101
A lively introduction to the interrelationships of energy, environment and economics and how the current problems point directly to the solutions all around us. Ned Ryan Doyle, SEE Expo Coordinator and host of "Our Southern Community" public affairs radio program on WNCW 88.7, offers an upbeat, informative road map for sustainable transitions based on regional and community efforts with existing technology. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Thu, Feb 12, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
- 128 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7395-352
G.I.S.T. Professional Development Workshop 
The A-B Tech Global Center for Sustainability Technologies presents a one-day workshop for professional development regarding design and construction for incorporating an intelligent renewable environment. The seminar is designed for architects, engineers, builders, designers and others in the construction industry and is open to the public. The registration fee includes lunch. Continuing education credits may be awarded for some industry professionals. (6 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $125.00- Mon, Apr 06, 08:30AM - 03:30PM
- 200 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7393-136
Green Collar Jobs 
This course is a basic overview of the potential jobs emerging in the "green" industry. Alternative energy, alternative fuels, organic food and clothing, green building, recycling and waste management are just a few of the areas growing at a rapid pace. The course will examine some of the skills and education needed to move you into the "green" business world. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Sat, Mar 14, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
- 209 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7385-344
Passive Solar Workshop
This workshop will explore passive solar concepts in construction. The class will be a primer on components of passive solar design, NC tax credit options, and the many resources available. Students will learn passive solar strategies that can be used in home design, solar food dehydration, solar oven construction, as well as other applications. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Sat, Mar 28, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
- 155 Dogwood, Asheville Campus Course #: SEF-7388-343
Planning and Building A Green Home 
This seminar will cover the basics of planning and building a green home. It will cover the major green building programs currently available as well as strategies and resources for building a greener and more efficient home. (6 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $25.00- Mon/Wed, Feb 23 - Feb 25, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
- 128 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7391-351
So You Want to Be an Energy Rater? 
The building industry is turning "green" and more and more builders are building to meet Energy Star and other green certification programs. These certification programs require a third party inspector who is certified as a Home Energy Star Rater. This course will help you avoid the mistakes that many individuals are making when trying to get into this business. The course will review education and skill requirements, upfront cost, and potential income. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Sat, Mar 21, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
- 209 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7386-345
Solar Electric Systems
As our society shifts toward clean and renewable energy sources, harnessing the sun's energy to produce electricity is increasingly promising. In addition to developments in photovoltaic technology, this course will explore system design and applications, the benefits of off-grid and grid-tied systems, net-metering and buy all/sell all agreements. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Tue, Mar 24, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
- 209 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7390-347
Solar Hot Water and Space Heating Systems
Are you interested in going solar, but not sure where to start? Solar thermal systems offer the most cost-effective applications of active renewable energy technologies and are an increasingly important part of our clean energy future. This course will deliver an overview of system designs for providing hot water, as well as space heat, through radiant floor and other hydronic heating systems or forced-air systems. (3 hrs) No fee exemption
Total Registration Fee: $20.00- Tue, Mar 10, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
- 209 Haynes, Enka Campus Course #: SEF-7389-346
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