"All local and all original"
Today is the 7th annual Lexington Avenue Arts and Fun Festival. Come on down to Lexington Avenue for one of the best looks at what is Asheville is all about. It will be full of local performance artists, other live street acts, live music - LOTS of live music, art, great food and more people watching than you can find anywhere in the state. This year promises to be great as Tall Bike Freak Micheal Mooney goes for the world record - again - riding a 43 feet tall bike, mountable only by crane.
In addition to all the normal GREAT stuff down on Lexington Avenue, this year local graffiti artists will be painting the support column under I-240. "This expansive mural portrays original images of local characters and uniquely Asheville scenes focusing on Sustainability, Arts and Culture, Community, and Asheville Saints. " - taken from the LAAFF myspace site.